
Church of the wounded men / Teampall na Bhfear nGonta

Situated to the rear of St Caimin's church in the saint's graveyard is the second church on our tour, the Church of the Wounded Men. It is probably a 12th century church that was remodeled in the 17th/18th century and used as a mortuary chapel for the O'Grady Family, whose family motto was 'Vulneratus non victus' meaning wounded but not defeated. Amazingly there are now three doorways in to this small church and set in the top of the west wall is a section of romanesque sculpture. The romanesque beading may come from the south wall of St Caimin's Church as it is identical to the carved stones used there. While here we wandered around the Saint's Graveyard.

From the southwest angle

From the north

Situated: The church is located in the Saint's graveyard at the rear of St Caimin's Church.

Discovery Map 58: R 6986 8506. Last visit April 2012.

Longitude: 8° 26' 53" W

Latitude: 52° 54' 56" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey and Deb Snelson.

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